Monday, March 31, 2014

Vibrators throughout the Years
By: Mariah Alexander

The first vibrator was a steam powered vibrator that was invented in 1869, no pun intended, by a man named George Taylor.[1] When I first read that the vibrator was steam powered I imagined a modern day vibrator with seem coming out the back end. But it actually resembled a table with a hole in the center.[2] George Taylor is given the credit of creating the first vibrator but there is rumor that Cleopatra may have invented it. She used a hollowed out gourd and filled it with angry bees and used it as a vibrator.[3]

Shortly after the invention of the steam-powered vibrator, in 1880, electric vibrators began to take over. The electric pull-in vibrators were easier and made treatment for hysteria, which was considered easier for doctors so they could treat more patients. Not only doctors had these devices but lots of spas had them as well. Before the vibrator, many spas would use a high-powered water hose and if it was aimed correctly if could aid in some women reaching a climax in less than 4 minutes.[4]

In the beginning if the 20st century vibrators begin making their way into homes in disguise. They were advertised as various types of body massagers. Many advertised that they cured many sicknesses such as headaches, asthma and tuberculosis. Some even claimed to keep women young. Even though they were extremely popular that began disappearing in the 1920’s. This was because the porn had revealed these devices to be used for sexual pleasure from women, stripping innocence of these said “body massagers.”[5] I can only think of one explanation for why vibrators, after being revealed to be sex toys, literally disappeared… MEN. Was the vibrator hurting anyone? No. So why was it so unacceptable for women to want pleasure? This makes me think back to my mother’s sex talks with me. When we had them she only talked about how boys only wanted sex from me and that they were hormonal beast who stop at nothing to get, as she said, “their hand in the cookie jar.” At first I believed her, then I had my first sexual encounter with the opposite sex and relieved that I wanted to have sex too. This idea that sex is the horrible thing that should only be spoken of behind closed doors and is unladylike is deeply engraved into out culture.

This brings me to modern day vibrators. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors and types. Today vibrators are still not socially acceptable to the older community but based off the opinions of many of my peers, if you are waiting to lose your virginity to the “right person” the vibrator is the way to go. I can only believe that vibrators will become more acceptable in American society because as time goes of society has no choice but to become more tolerant of the choices of this nation. With stores like Spencer’s and Adam and Eve who have walls of vibrators of every kind the mind could think of it only gives me home as to what the views one not of vibrators but female sexuality will be in the future. 

[1]Null Hypothesis - The Journal of Unlikely Science. (n.d.). Null Hypothesis. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from

[2] Null Hypothesis - The Journal of Unlikely Science. (n.d.). Null Hypothesis. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from

[3] The Bizarre History of the Vibrator: From Cleopatra's Angry Bees to Steam-Powered Dildos. (n.d.). Gizmodo. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from

[4] Null Hypothesis - The Journal of Unlikely Science. (n.d.). Null Hypothesis. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from

[5] The Strange, Fascinating History of the Vibrator. (n.d.). Alternet. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from

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