Friday, February 28, 2014

Homosexuality in America

By Victoria Ambrose

Homosexuality in America has often been viewed as a touchy subject in our society today to many people across our country. Although some people are quick to judge, they are often misguided by not knowing the truth about homosexuals and even themselves, heterosexuals. [2] If you look at recent data that has been compiled, you can see that even though America is accepting of homosexuals at a large rate, they are rather small in the global rate of homosexuality acceptance. One driving factor that most researchers agree on is the fact that America has a large religious presence which shifts the views of the people. Now in America, the homosexual is viewed and accepted widely, with tons of research and scientific studies showing that being gay could be traced back to your genetics and not be entirely a choice. [1] Between 2003 and 2013 the percentage of those in favor of homosexuals rose almost twenty percent. Since most Americans are choosing to be in favor, it is easy to see why most teens are starting to lose their faith in religion. Among these groups, 24 percent of them claim that the main reason for leaving their childhood faith was the fact that they mistreated and viewed gays unequally. This was very different from the more strict and conservative America in the 1970’s, where gays were viewed in negative fashion. Now not only are gays accepted, but also the civil liberties and laws for gays are starting to shift largely in their favor. Although this affects most of the society, the government is still a bit iffy on how they choose to view genders and sexual orientations in our nation. [3] A quick example of this is the fact that most government and private agencies refuse to ask any questions about gender preference or sexual orientation. The whole problem derives from the fact that most homosexuals seek to find an identity for themselves but are often blocked and misguided by societal tendencies and government regulations. The way that I look at this is with an open mind. I like to think that gender isn’t defined as only male and female but instead just left alone and not asked at all. I think gender is defined by so many different characteristics that it is too difficult and annoying to make a survey that includes all the genders in the world as options. I am glad that the views on homosexuality are changing and I hope more people continue to keep being accepting of all people.

1. Harms, William. NORC, "Americans Move Dramatically Toward Acceptance of Homosexuality." Last modified 08 08, 1997. Accessed February 28, 2014.

2. Horowitz, Juliana. Pew Research Center, "Americans less accepting of homosexuality than other westerners – religion may be one reason." Last modified 06 12, 2013. Accessed February 28, 2014.

3. Ford , Milt. Grand Valley State University , "A Brief History of Homosexuality in America." Last modified 05 14, 2013. Accessed February 28, 2014.

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