Friday, February 28, 2014

The Evolution of Condoms

The Evolution of Condoms
By: Mariah Alexander

The condom is one of the most popular choices for contraception; they are also the oldest form. It is believed that the Ancient Egyptians were the first to wear them. Although, there is no evidence that they were commonly used in Ancient Egypt for contraception being that they worshipped the good of reproduction. Many forms of “penis protectants” were used during this time to protect that area during combat, from insect bites, disease and evil spirits.[1]
            Over the years, condoms have drastically evolved. The first condoms used by the Ancient Egyptians, as stated before, were made of a linen sheath for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Much later, in the 1500s, during the syphilis epidemic, was the first published account of a condom. It was a “sheath of linen” that was claimed to have been invented to protect men from contracting syphilis. But later was found useful for the prevention of pregnancy. Soon after there was a great improvement made to the condoms. The linen cloths were saturated in a chemical and the dried before use, the first spermicides used on condoms. [2]
             The first recorded use of the word condom was in a poem, by Lord Belhaven, in 1706. (Youssef) It is said that Condom was the doctor of King Charles II and created the condom to keep the king from having any more illegitimate children. The condom was made of animal intestines and was very expensive. It’s cost made this choice for contraception very uncommon (Condoms: Effectiveness, History and Availability).

By the 1800’s, rubber vulcanization was discovered. Making it easy to mass-produce condoms cheaply. This is was the beginning of the condom that is familiar to us today (Condoms: Effectiveness, History and Availability).

In 1919, we began hand dipping from natural rubber latex. Latex condoms had an advantage; they aged less quickly and were thinner than rubber condoms and odorless. The new latex condoms had a great growth in sales and by the 1930s more that 15 million condoms were being produced a day (Condoms: Effectiveness, History and Availability).

This brings us to present day condoms. With technology advancement companies can now offer condoms of different materials, thicknesses, sizes, widths, textures and with lubrication.

[1] Youssef, H. "The history of the condom." Jornal of the Royal Society of Medicine . no. April (1993): 226-228.

[2] AVERT, "Condoms: Effectiveness, History and Availability." Accessed February 26, 2014.

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