Friday, January 31, 2014

STD's in Young Adults

STD’s in Young Adults

 By: Victoria Ambrose

Did you know that if you and 3 friends are sitting in a room, one of you is likely to get an STD in the time that you are a young adult, statistically speaking? A girl (whose name remains anonymous) in her twenties who lives in a small town in Idaho shared her story. She got drunk with her friends one night and they all went to breakfast the next morning, as she was still drunk. A man who no one knew rolled by on a motorcycle and came inside to chat with them. She got a ride home with him since she was too drunk to drive. Her house was 15 minutes out into the middle of nowhere, with no neighbors. One thing led must have led to another and they had sex then he slept over. The girl expected to just get a hangover the next day but she also got genital warts. It was not until she later went to a doctor in another town, when she found out she had this STD. At the time this girl found out she was already engaged. She then had to tell her fiancé the news. She said that she was uneducated on all of the negative effects of sex because she did not want anyone in her town to think poorly of her having sex if she had gone to the local doctors to become educated. So she had not been in five years! There is now a vaccine for girls to get to prevent warts and cervical cancer. Had she have known this she might not be stuck with an STD. [1]
In my opinion I honestly do not blame the girl for not wanting to go to the doctor because she didn’t want people to judge her for being sexually active. I did learn that it is necessary to go to the doctor though. I feel that it is important to become educated on STDs before it is too late. There are shots you can get to prevent against STDs. It is important to stay protected too because the girl from the story was on birth control but did not use a condom. I feel as if even if you are on the pill, you can still get STDs if you do not use a condom. Stay safe and become educated!

The Naked Truth. “I wish I had gone to the doctor.” Revised July 2, 2012.

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