Friday, January 31, 2014

What is really happening in America…Sex Trafficking!

By: Gyovanni Boston-Crompton

I have never actually thought about sex trafficking as being a huge societal problem in America. Like most people in America, I have not been exposed to the stories of these people who have been sold into this world unwillingly by other Americans. It is always a stereotype that sex trafficking happens over in other countries and America is immune to these horrible things when in fact it happens here daily. I do know of one story from North Carolina where a five-year-old girl, Shaniya Davis, was sold into prostitution by her own mother because she wanted drugs and the man who she sold her to not only raped her but killed her as well.[1] Although this was a very popular story a few years back, I still don’t hear of the other stories of the lost souls that have been kidnapped and sold into slavery instead you see what is portrayed on television where prostitution is somewhat glorified.

Sex Trafficking is a “form of slavery and involuntary servitude resulting in grave human rights violations”.[2] In America alone there are 50,000 women who are sex slaves. These women that are subjected into this lifestyle have to face mental, emotional, and physical abuse from the men who own them. These men have been glamorized by the media as these lavish pimps. In songs and movies the word pimp is thrown out suggesting to the world that you must be “pimpin’” to live a grand life; that you have to abuse and use these women in order to gain respect from the others around which is simply not true. These men are brainwashing these young girls into believing that they are going to live this amazing life together which in reality he is using them to live his own grand life. The average age for a girl to enter prostitution is between the ages of twelve and fourteen and some have been as young as nine. Once placed into these conditions these girls cannot escaped fearing what may happen to them if they do. Leaving others behind could mean that the other girls be punished for their actions or being caught while in the act and being punished themselves. Although in federal law a child that is commercially sexually abused is a victim of trafficking is abused under the age of eighteen; in some states some a child could be charged with child prostitution. [3]

Not only Americans are sex slaves here but also immigrants. Due to the ability of allowing many immigrants into our society human trafficking is allowed to flourish. These men prey on individuals who are here to seek freedom and know that they are willing to do anything to keep this freedom. They force these women into brothels with the women in hope that maybe one day they would be able to see the light of day again. These actions towards these women go unpunished because they are not American citizens and with that being said there is nothing legally the US can do to protect them. Even if they are saved they are usually deported right back to the country they tried to escape from. [4] 

In order to save all of these women, we need to raise awareness.

[1] CBS News, "Shaniya Davis: "Angel" Found Dead." Last modified 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.
[2] The Adovocates for Human Rights, "What is Human Sex Trafficking?." Last modified 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.
[3] Frundt, Tina. Women's Funding Network, "Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States." Last modified 2014. Accessed January 31, 2014.
[4] Leah, Heather. Yahoo!, "America's Modern Day Slave Trade: Human Trafficking in the Sex Industry." Last modified August 29, 2006. Accessed January 31, 2014.

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